Sound therapy is focused on the scientific understandings that sound is medicine

Quantum physics is now confirming that our bodies are not solid but are made up of energy and are held together by vibration. We are an orchestra of vibrational frequencies.  Each cell, organ & body system has its own optimal frequency that corresponds to a healthy state.

We are essentially fine tuned instruments and when in tune, display peak performance, stamina, healing and regenerative powers.  When out of tune, we experience weakness, disease and eventual system failures.

Our chakras are like the organs of our energy field.  They contain all of the experiences we have lived through in previous lives and in this life.

Blockages in your chakras cause physical and psycho-emotional issues such as depression, physical pain, anger, and immune disorders.

When trauma occurs or when we are hurt, the wound and the pain leaves a toxic energetic residue behind that adheres to our energy field and to our chakras.  This blocks the chakras from vibrating at their ultimate and purest frequency. 

When we have unhealed traumas, they manifest like stagnant or stuck energy causing our lives to be dull and painful, and we simply repeat the same patterns again and again.

Tuning forks are frequency generators. When their frequency tone enters our energy field or human bio field, all of the cells in our bodies begin to resonate with the tuning frequency, aligning to their true & optimum frequency allowing for major shifts, thus transferring healing into the physical and emotional bodies.

Specific frequencies of various tuning forks will change the frequency in our energy field and in each of our chakras.

At its core, sound/ frequency therapy is about bringing balance to the nervous system & the hormonal system, by working to clear the energetic build up in the chakras and the outer energy field resulting in physical, spiritual and emotional health.  

The sound waves that emanate from the tuning forks affect the energy field, the chakras and the physical body through the process of entrainment which is the tendency for two objects to vibrate at the same frequency.  

By using entrainment, we can shift an unhealthy, resistant or out of balance vibration in the body into one that is clear, open and balanced allowing nutrients to be delivered to cells and waste to be removed.

Sound waves are like vitamins or supplements to the human energy field. 

Basically, sound healing is a deep massage on a molecular level. 

We recommend that you see your sound healing therapist on a regular basis to stay clean and clear and to continue to increase your personal frequency.